Foto Terbaik Tahun Ini, Presiden AS ''Dicuekin''

Sabtu 03 Feb 2024 - 15:43 WIB
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Editor : Syahril Sahidir

@SadieMae: Such a strong statement. Many of us feel this way across the nation.

Pernyataan yang begitu kuat. Banyak dari kita merasa seperti ini di seluruh negeri.

@anthonydaniels577: A picture is worth thousand words….

Sebuah gambar bernilai seribu kata....

@sickofthebullshit11: I think that just about sums up the way we all are feeling right now.

Saya pikir itu hampir meringkas perasaan kita semua saat ini.

@Thomas the Tank: a picture is worth a thousand words.....

@Raul Villalobos345: This should be on the cover of Time Magazine

Ini harus ada di sampul Majalah Time

@BARC_closeups: Absolutely!!!!

@Candy Mark: The video was kind of good too. Joe said don't you know who I am the guy goes yeah I know who you are & then turned his head this way you see here.

Videonya juga agak bagus. Joe bilang tidakkah kamu tahu siapa aku pria itu pergi ya aku tahu siapa kamu & kemudian menoleh seperti ini kamu melihat di sini

@Matt Barber: I don’t think that was taken this year, but last year, this year. It still works. lol.

@Randy Wade: Mom advised; if you haven't anything good to say to someone it's best not to say anything

Ibu menyarankan; jika Anda tidak memiliki sesuatu yang baik untuk dikatakan kepada seseorang, yang terbaik adalah tidak mengatakan apa-apa

@user9296792339484: It’s probably best that he didn’t reply. He was trying to be the better man I’m guessing.

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